Modern Wisdom from Middle Earth

Modern Wisdom from Middle Earth

As someone who considers herself a lover of literature, I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I’m just now making my way through The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The snow day a few weeks ago felt like the perfect time for me to begin The Fellowship of the Ring, and boy do I enjoy uncovering Tolkien’s bits of wisdom sprinkled throughout. Among others that stood out to me, one particular quote has been on my heart lately. It happens in chapter two, when Gandalf is preparing Frodo for the seemingly impossible task that looms before him – as is likely true of any of us when faced with unexpected danger and countless unknowns, Frodo is frightened and perplexed about the sudden turn of events in his once-quiet life. During their conversation, Frodo expresses his wish that this dark time need not have occurred amidst his time on earth. In
response, ever the purveyor of wisdom, Gandalf says: “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us” (J.R.R. Tolkien). Talk about a timeless (and timely) nugget of truth.

Just over a month ago, I started a new job – one that, at the time, felt like the right thing to do, but like something bigger than I could handle. Though I could recognize it as an answered prayer, I wasn’t sure if I had the courage to follow through. I can think of many times in my life where I’ve known what it’s like to be in Frodo’s shoes, with Mordor looming before me – a dark and unknown realm beyond what’s comfortable. And I’m sure you can call to mind plenty of your own. But what we must remember is that the challenges ahead aren’t what matters; what matters is the choices we make. Countless pieces of literature have taught us this same lesson in different words, but the message is the same. The only thing we can actually control is our response to our circumstances. Once we understand this, our inner power is unleashed. We can
confidently move forward into the unknown, secure in the knowledge that our choices are our own. 

No matter where your path is currently leading you, you have the power to choose what you’re going to do with each moment. Though it may be a tough pill to swallow, this realization is rather a comforting one. My mom always taught me that happiness is not circumstantial or conditional – instead, it is always within our power to decide how we’re going to feel about something or someone. No one can take that away from you.

Each day I go to work, I can choose to let my fears rule my day, or I can choose to make a positive impact (and I have a feeling you can guess which one feels better). Gandalf couldn’t take away Frodo’s fear of the journey, but he equipped him with the proper mindset to walk forward with confidence. Frodo could spend his time lamenting the heavy burden on his back, or he could immerse himself in the task set before him. However your daily life may look, you have the same choice; and sometimes, stretching beyond what you think you’re capable of is where you discover the best parts of yourself.

by Madelyn Fry
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