In preparation for the final in person event of 2024 here on our farm, I spent the past week turning my studio into a 'cozy Christmas cottage' by removing the dried flower installation I have had hanging in there for years and instead adding homemade paper chain garlands and grapevine spheres illuminated with fairy lights. In fact, I have another pack of the paper I used for the garlands arriving today. After using up the first one creating paper chains for the studio and for my headboard, I realized the living room could probably use some paper chains too so chances are I'll be at it again later tonight. Who knew paper chain making could be so much fun???
Last Christmas I made dried orange garlands for the tree and literally had the best time doing it. I haven't "crafted" like that in years. I found myself wondering why I ever stopped in the first place. There is so much satisfaction in creating something with our hands. When doing these "crafty" things, I find myself setting a little ambiance in the room, whether lighting a balsam fir candle or putting a Christmas movie on (or both at the same time for maximal impact), and spend a solid hour or two creating something beautiful. Without even realizing it, I am creating a magical moment in my day. A small window of time that was filled with warmth & joy and has left an imprint in my memory bank.
It may sound silly but when we try to intentionally create magical moments sometimes our desire for it to happen translates as forced, stressful and anything but joyful. Ask any frazzled parent at Disney World and I'm sure they would agree. You can't say there isn't intention behind creating a magical moment, because there is always some level of it. I bought the supplies to make the stuff after all! It's just that maybe the real magic happens when we let go of our expectations and enjoy the moment. Perhaps that is what truly being present is all about. Releasing expectations. I envisioned having paper chain garlands in the studio this year so I was intentional about getting them made. I just didn't have any preconceived expectations of accomplishing my crafting time or what my crafting time would "look like". Instead, I found a little time to hunker down in my favorite cozy spot upstairs (my bed) with paper, scissors and a stapler, lit a candle like I always do and popped on a Christmas movie. A cozy Christmas moment. I noticed my family wandering in to see what I was up to and lingering for a little while. Maybe some of that magic rubbed off on them too...
There is no trade secret, recipe or hack for making magical moments. They just happen in the being and in the doing but when there is so much to do and so many things to be at this time of year, they often get lost in translation. Trust me, I know. I hope you find yourself seeking ways to indulge your senses or bring to fruition something you were daydreaming about doing. Perhaps it's a few stolen moments sipping cocoa and watching snow fall, sharing a decadent dessert (tis the season after all) with a loved one, watching your favorite Christmas movie while snuggled under blankets with a big bucket of buttery popcorn on your lap or meeting a friend to grab some seasonal drinks & wander around window shopping.
Whatever will spark joy for you this holiday season, I hope you seek it out because what we seek we usually find. And remember, there are magical moments waiting around every corner. xx