As far back as I can remember, I have always "collected" something. From porcelain dolls as a young girl to milk glass in my early 20's to vintage china from my late 20's on. Of course there are other micro collections in the mix too. I love beautiful things and some just appeal to me so strongly that I end up collecting said objects. I also find it endlessly fascinating to see what people collect and to know the back story behind it all; the details of what drew them to those items and why. Even better is to see and explore how collections are displayed in someone's home. Our personal space is sacred space and the presence of a treasured collection so often gives homes inimitable soul and character that many long for and fail to capture. In many ways, a collection becomes an extension of who we are. I thought it would be so fun to occasionally use this space to share the collections that some of my creative friends have amassed and how they use and display their collections at home. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I do.
~ Eleanor
Today I want to introduce you to my friend Christine Hanlon owner of Folly and Fine an online vintage and antique store based in Canada. I absolutely love her styling and photography and she has an amazing eye for beauty and the unique.
Tell us about what you collect?
I 'collect' black / mulberry transfer ware; but pieces aren't part of a traditional static 'collection', they're more 'fluid', in that some end up for sale in my shop, Folly and Fine Company; and others we use for dining and then other pieces get used for prop styling and are through the house in an ad hoc casual way.

What first drew you to this type of transferware?
The scenic imagery on the older pieces is what first caught my eye, often so captivating and romantic featuring faraway exotic lands, water, trees, birds and flowers. The shapely pieces also attract my eye, belly shapes, scalloped borders, faceted edges, chinoiserie profiles.
Where do you usually find/source pieces for your collection?
I am always looking when I'm out, it's rare to find when sourcing in person, especially in Canada but over time, it presents itself and that makes it feel more special somehow.
How do you decide if you will keep a piece you find and add it to your collection?
Many factors influence my decision to keep specific pieces... colour/condition, imagery, price, age/origin
How do you display them in your home?
I have some plates that we actually use for dining (as opposed to display), and it feels pretty nice to set the table with something you love and put them back into circulation.
I call this 'living with ceremony', where you live with the special things on a daily basis as opposed to just finding things and stacking them up.
Other pieces, such as large to mid sized platters, I have out on tables, often layered eg. behind sofa or coffee table sometimes filled with shells and horns and collected ephemera.
Other more vertical pieces such as sugar & biscuit bowls I have 'in use' in the kitchen, filled with utensils that we use everyday...
And, then, lastly, I have a few pieces displayed hanging on the wall and would like to add more or move them together creating a larger statement wall at some point.
All images were taken by Christine Hanlon